Teija Rusila Art. Ihminen tämän kaiken takana

Teija Rusila Art. The man behind all this

An ordinary person can be found behind all of this :) A person with a great desire to learn new things and make this work as personal as possible. ^^

My entrepreneurial life kicked off in December 2020, when I filed the business name papers. From January 04.01.2021, I started doing business as a part-time entrepreneur, until life guided me on 24.04.2021 to jump into even bigger boots, i.e. to become a full-time entrepreneur.

Now here I am looking with interest at what all this entrepreneurship is for me and at what point those big boots start to feel appropriate.😂

"So open your eyes and heart towards new adventures. ❤️ Above all, those adventures of your own kind. :).

Come along and see what kind of things you can find on this life-long journey.

Ainiin and If you have a painting idea that you would like to realize as a painting, please give us a thumbs up or send us an email at art.teijarusila@gmail.com 😍🤩.

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